Create Sitemap Page in Blogger | Blogspot
In this article I Shall sharing how to create sitemap page code in blogger
it can be beneficial for both your readers and search engines.
A sitemap page helps visitors easily navigate your site and find the content they're looking for, while search engines use it to better understand your site's structure.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a sitemap page and write a unique article about it:
what is a sitemap?
The most important tools for work masters. A sitemap is a webmaster tool that makes it easy to add sitemaps to blogs/websites. Hence, the Google search engine easily crawls and reaches existing and new pages in it.
What is the function of a sitemap?
A sitemap will improve search engine optimization like Google Webmasters in finding URLs. And another function is that visitors can find the article they are looking for more easily. This feature can be considered as a valuable tool to increase your blog visitors.
In the vast landscape of our blog, finding the right content can sometimes feel like exploring a dense forest. But worry not, fellow readers, for we've crafted a digital compass to guide you through our content-rich terrain. Welcome to our Sitemap - your key to unlocking a seamless browsing experience.
Understanding the Sitemap:
Imagine a blueprint that outlines every nook and cranny of our website, providing you with a clear path to discover articles, stories, and insights that resonate with your interests. That's precisely what our Sitemap does. It's a structured directory of our blog's sections, categories, and the gems they hold.
Benefits for Readers:
Effortless Navigation: With our Sitemap, you can bid farewell to endless scrolling and searching. Each main section is a gateway to a treasure trove of related content, ensuring you spend less time searching and more time reading what you love.
Discover Hidden Gems: Unearth articles you might have missed otherwise. Our Sitemap brings hidden gems to the forefront, making serendipitous discoveries a part of your reading journey.
Personalized Journey: Whether you're into tech, travel, or tantalizing recipes, our categorized sections empower you to curate a personalized reading journey that aligns with your passions.
Benefits for Search Engines:
Search engines are like the cartographers of the digital realm. They rely on roadmaps, and our Sitemap provides just that:
Enhanced Crawling: A well-structured Sitemap aids search engines in crawling and indexing our content more efficiently. This means our articles are more likely to appear in search results, reaching a wider audience.
Deeper Understanding: Our Sitemap's hierarchy and interlinking reveal the relationships between different articles. This helps search engines understand the context and relevance of our content, resulting in more accurate search rankings.
Step 1: Create the Sitemap Page
Log in to your Blogger account.
Go to the "Pages" section in the left menu.
Click on "New Page" to create a new page.
Title the page as "Sitemap" or "Site Map."
In the content area, provide a brief introduction to what a sitemap is and why it's useful for visitors.
Create a structured list of the main sections or categories of your blog. Use headers and subheaders to organize this list.
Under each section or category, list the main articles or posts within that section. You can provide links to these posts for easy access.
If you have a lot of content, you might want to organize the sitemap alphabetically or by date.
Copy Beloew The Code Paste in Sitemap Page :
/* Sitemap code (Style 1) by Tellybd*/<div class='sitemaps' id='sitemaps'> <center> <div class='loading' style='text-align:center'><svg class='line' viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" ><line x1="12" y1="2" x2="12" y2="6"></line><line x1="12" y1="18" x2="12" y2="22"></line><line x1="4.93" y1="4.93" x2="7.76" y2="7.76"></line><line x1="16.24" y1="16.24" x2="19.07" y2="19.07"></line><line x1="2" y1="12" x2="6" y2="12"></line><line x1="18" y1="12" x2="22" y2="12"></line><line x1="4.93" y1="19.07" x2="7.76" y2="16.24"></line><line x1="16.24" y1="7.76" x2="19.07" y2="4.93"></line></svg>Loading... </div> </center></div> <script>/*<![CDATA[*//* Blogger Sitemap Dropdown: change i.src="..." / */var toc_config = {containerId:'sitemaps', showNew:0, sortAlphabetically:{thePanel:true, theList:true}, activePanel:1, slideSpeed:{down:400, up:400}, slideEasing:{down: null, up: null}, slideCallback:{down:function(){}, up:function(){}}, clickCallback:function(){}, jsonCallback:'sitemaps',delayLoading: 1500};window.onload = function(){!function(e,o){var t=o.getElementById(toc_config.containerId),c=o.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n=[];e[toc_config.jsonCallback]=function(e){for(var o,c,i=e.feed.entry,a=e.feed.category,l="",s=0,d=a.length;d>s;++s)n.push(a[s].term);for(var r=0,f=i.length;f>r;++r)(toc_config.showNew||toc_config.showNew>0)&&r<toc_config.showNew+1&&(i[r].title.$t+=" %new%");i=toc_config.sortAlphabetically.theList?i.sort(function(e,o){return e.title.$t.localeCompare(o.title.$t)}):i,toc_config.sortAlphabetically.thePanel&&n.sort();for(var g=0,h=n.length;h>g;++g){l+='<div class=\"sitemapBox\"><h4 class=\"sitemapTitle\">'+n[g]+'</h4>',l+='<div class=\"sitemapContent\"><ol>';for(var _=0,p=i.length;p>_;++_){o=i[_].title.$t;for(var w=0,u=i[_].link.length;u>w;++w)if("alternate"==i[_].link[w].rel){c=i[_].link[w].href;break}for(var v=0,m=i[_].category.length;m>v;++v)n[g]==i[_].category[v].term&&(l+='<li><a href=\"'+c+'\" title=\"'+o.replace(/ \%new\%$/,"")+'\">'+o.replace(/ \%new\%$/,"")+'</a></li>')}l+='</ol></div></div>'}t.innerHTML=l }; var i=o.createElement("script");i.src="/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&max-results=9999&callback="+toc_config.jsonCallback,"onload"==toc_config.delayLoading?e.onload=function(){c.appendChild(i)}:e.setTimeout(function(){c.appendChild(i)},toc_config.delayLoading)}(window,document);}/*]]>*/</script> <style>.loading{background:var(--contentB);box-shadow:0 5px 35px rgba(0,0,0,.07);border-radius:10px;justify-content:flex-start;align-items:center;} .sitemaps{font-size:14px}.sitemapBox{padding:15px;background:var(--contentB);box-shadow:0 5px 35px rgba(0,0,0,.07);border-radius:10px;justify-content:flex-start;align-items:center; margin-top:25px; position:relative;left:-4px;right:-4px;width:calc(100% + 8px)}.sitemapBox:not(:last-child){margin-bottom:20px}.pBd .sitemapTitle{margin-top:0; font-size:14px;font-weight:400;font-family:var(--fontB)}.sitemapTitle:before{content:'# '; font-size:90%;opacity:.8}.sitemaps ol{list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;counter-reset:sitemap-count}.sitemaps li{display:flex;align-items:baseline}.sitemaps li:not(:last-child){margin-bottom:0}.sitemaps li:before{content:counter(sitemap-count) '.';counter-increment:sitemap-count;flex-shrink:0;width:25px;font-size:13px;font-family:var(--fontB);line-height:normal; opacity:.7} .sitemaps .loading{display:inline-flex;align-items:center}.sitemaps .loading svg{margin-right:3px;-webkit-animation:rotation 2s infinite linear}@-webkit-keyframes rotation {from{-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg)}to{-webkit-transform:rotate(359deg)}} .drK .sitemapBox{background:var(--darkBa)}</style>
Finaly Save and publish the page and Click Preview .
Consider our Sitemap as your compass in the vast expanse of our blogosphere. It not only simplifies your journey through our content but also assists search engines in mapping our landscape accurately. Happy exploring!
By creating a user-friendly Sitemap and crafting a unique article to explain its significance, you're not only providing value to your readers but also optimizing your blog's SEO efforts.Conclusion
This is all about adding the how to create sitemap page code in blogger. I hope you enjoy this article. Please do share this article. And if you are facing problem in any section or you have any question then ask us in comment box. Thank you!